
Pastoral Message

Today is the third Sunday of Advent. In our Catholic tradition, this Sunday is called “Gaudete” Sunday. Gaudete is from a Latin word meaning “Rejoice!” We hear from the prophet Zephanaiah in the first reading today: “Shout for joy, sing joyfully! Be glad and exult with all your heart.” In the second reading, we hear Saint Paul’s saying: “Rejoice in the Lord always! Rejoice, for the Lord is near.” This time of Advent is a time of rejoicing, yet some

Luke tells us that Zechariah looked upon his newly born son and said, “you, child…will go before the Lord to prepare his ways.” When he grew older, we read that John told all who would listen that they should, “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.” John was a man of preparation! As an Eagle Scout, the words “Be Prepared!” have a very special significance in my life. Scouting taught me that there were few greater sins than

Happy Advent! Well… It’s here again – that season of grace we call Advent! It’s a season of “joyful hope,” expectation, patient waiting, and preparation that is like a double edge – in that, we are anticipating both the celebration of Christmas and the Parousia, the second coming of Christ. Spotlighting the season with the light of symbols and customs, you might keep an Advent Calendar. You might light the candles of an Advent wreath. You might take up a new devotion

In our present times, media outlets hold a significant role in spreading information. Whether information pertains to a specific person or a specific event, news media and social media are powerful conduits in communication. Naturally, when we receive information from various media, we need to be very careful to confirm the accuracy of that which is being communicated. In order to confirm the accuracy of shared information, we filter the news with reliable sources, look at evidence and survey databases.

“Are we there yet?” Before there were TVs or phones or tablets in cars, this was a constant question from children on long car journeys because, no matter how often we were told to “look at the beautiful scenery,” riding in a car was boring. Today’s readings are asking the same question with regard to our earthly journey. Like children in a car, we have absolutely no idea when we will be personally called “home” to God or when Jesus

Blessings and peace to you! One beautiful weekend, a young man decided to go hiking. While walking near the edge of a cliff, he tripped and fell into an abyss. Luckily, he was able to grab hold onto the roots of a big tree. He clung tightly to the roots as he hung between life and death. He called out for help: “Is anyone up there? Please help me!” From the sky, a voice responded: “I am your God. I am

In today’s Gospel passage, the scribe asks Jesus what is the “first” or “most important” commandment. Jesus responds by reinforcing the most fundamental belief of the Jewish faith. Known as the “shema” prayer, it is found in Deuteronomy and has been recited twice each day by practicing Jews for thousands of years: “Listen, Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord alone, and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your being, and all your

Greetings to all of you at Saints Simon & Jude! My name is Andre Rossignol and I am thrilled to be joining the parish as the Director of Music Ministries. This coming December will mark my twentieth year making music in the Catholic Church and I am honored and blessed to begin this new chapter here with you. If you are just perusing this first paragraph, but do not intend to read the entire reflection I would like for your

Hey Y’all! We are celebrating the 29th Sunday of Ordinary time! Ya-hoooo!!! Why the exclamation marks and the Ya-hoooo? While this particular moment in time might not appear to be special but each and every day should be taken as a fresh opportunity for growing in relationship with Jesus Christ, and being renewed in God’s grace. Our 2nd reading today from the Book of Hebrews reminds us of this… Since we have a great high priest…  Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold

Blessings and peace to you! I hope that everyone had a great time at our parish festival last weekend. It was special meeting so many of you at this annual event that supports so much of the ministry and service of our parish. Have you ever had a strange dream and then upon waking up, gave thanks to God because it was not the reality? In his weirdest dream, Fr. John bought a lottery ticket and said to himself: “If I win

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