Pastoral Message – October 17, 2021
Hey Y’all!
We are celebrating the 29th Sunday of Ordinary time! Ya-hoooo!!!
Why the exclamation marks and the Ya-hoooo? While this particular moment in time might not appear to be special but each and every day should be taken as a fresh opportunity for growing in relationship with Jesus Christ, and being renewed in God’s grace. Our 2nd reading today from the Book of Hebrews reminds us of this…
Since we have a great high priest…
Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast to our confession…
(“Our confession” is a deeply held aspect of “relationship” with Jesus Christ.)
So let us confidently approach the throne of grace
to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help.
So today, in what might seem to be a very ordinary day out of 365 days in a year, just might be the day when this Scripture passage suddenly makes sense! Today might be the day when you come to understand Jesus Christ more fully and more intimately. You might come to see Jesus Christ as relatable and personal and someone who’s really got your back (and your front and all sides too). That’s because of this truth taken from the same 2nd reading.
For we do not have a high priest (Jesus Christ)
who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses,
Jesus sympathizes with us. He knows us. He doesn’t condemn and judge and “zap” us into oblivion. He gets us. We are known. We are cared for. We are loved. Even though we don’t always get it. Even though we forget about Him every now and then. Even though life is difficult, our mindset is sometimes bleak or dark, or we absolutely turn away from godliness. Jesus still sympathizes. Because Jesus…
….has similarly been tested in every way,
yet without sin.
In other words, Jesus has been there (in those dark places) and not done that. The fact is that Jesus can sympathize because he has been tempted and tested. The other fact is that Jesus doesn’t “lord it over us” that he didn’t take the bait of temptation and fall victim to sin. He gets us and loves us anyway. How amazing is that!!!
It really is our best day ever when we embrace all of this about our relationship with Jesus Christ!!!
That’s my little “feverino” (a.k.a. spiritual pep-talk) for today! God bless y’all!
Fr. Reynold
P.S. Now one more grace to share, at Masses today you’ll meet our new Music Man. Andre Rossignol is our new Music Director. He’ll plan and lead music in the parish. We’re singing in gratitude this weekend, that God sent us such a fine musician and Christian soul to help lead worship.