
What’s Happening at Saints Simon & Jude

SSJ is excited to introduce a new monthly Bible Study!  All women 18+ are encouraged to join for fellowship and scripture. We will study the Gospel Reading and break out into small groups for discussion.  Whether you are new or seasoned this Bible Study is for you! Meetings will be on the first Monday of the month at 7:00pm in the Youth Room.  Dates: February 17 March 3 April 7 May 19 For more information please contact: Reanna at or Rhea at

All adults 18+ are invited to 4 Son's Brewery in Huntington Beach for fellowship and theology!  Tacos is for men and Tapas is for women who want to share their faith life in a fun, relaxed, and casual atmosphere. The evenings include casual conversation, a speaker, and small group discussion.   Women's Tapas, 6:30-8:00pm  Thursday, March 31 Thursday, April 3 Thursday, May 29 For more information please contact: Rhea at   Men's Tacos, 6:30-8:00pm Tuesday, February 18 Tuesday, April 8 Tuesday, May 27 For more

What is Saints Simon & Jude Advent Outreach? Saints Simon & Jude Advent Outreach is an opportunity for parishioners to pray, reflect and respond to the needs of those less fortunate as we prepare to celebrate the joy and promise of the birth of Christ. When Does it Start and End? Christ the King Sunday, November 23-24, 2024, through Advent. Please note: Gift Tags, the Giving Garland, and the Advent Calendar will be available the weekend of November 16th and 17th. How

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