
Pastoral Message – January 7, 2024

Hey Y’all, It’s Epiphany! So let me pose a question and set up a scenario for your consideration. This question will separate the adventurous from the more risk-adverse amongst us. How much would you enjoy a road trip that has an unknown destination? Now take into consideration that you would be roughing it. You’ll either be camping out in the fullness of nature, or relying on the hospitality of the people you encounter to take you in. Thus, you’ll be meeting people

Dear Parishioners and Visitors, I have always been a believer in new beginnings. The beginning of Advent, the beginning of Lent, my birthday, the beginning of each season: all of these days call me to make resolutions about improving my relationship with the Lord, my relationships with others, and other facets of my personal life. Do I always keep these resolutions? Of course not. But to set a good goal and strive for that goal is still a good thing, for

Happy Fourth Sunday of Advent y’all! As the year of our Lord 2023 winds down, maybe you’ve already gotten a calendar for 2024. (I just got one as a gift. It has pictures of goats in trees on it. That’s why I’m thinking about calendars and trying to forget about goats in trees. Google it. I guess goats in trees is a thing?!?) Anyway, calendars represent time; in years, seasons, months, weeks and days. The same is true in our Roman Catholic

The Third Sunday of Advent has a Latin nickname: “Gaudete Sunday.” Gaudete is the first word of the Entrance Antiphon for this day in Latin, and it means “Rejoice!” The full text of the antiphon is “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Indeed the Lord is near.” (Phil. 4:4-5) Joy is a special theme for this day. This is why we light the rose-colored candle of the Advent wreath on the Third Sunday of Advent; it’s a

Hey Y'all, I don't know about you, but I find it difficult to keep up with all the new series on Netflix, Hulu, Prime, and various channels like HBO, Showtime, Starz and assorted podcasts.  So when I have the time for some entertainment, I revert back to my happy places.  I end up watching, listening to, and rereading classics, TV reruns, and radio programs that originally aired before I was born.  I'm amazed just how fresh and new some old programs

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