Pastoral Message – October 13, 2024
Hey Y’all,
It’s been a little while since I’ve written a message here. So I’m happy to be writing a little something today! First, a giant THANK YOU for all those who made last weekend’s Festival so very successful!!! I do hope that each and every one – whether chairing, leading, volunteering, eating, laughing, socializing, and enjoying – had a wonderful experience!
Now that Festival is over this year, we’re back to our focus on the formation of our parishioners. Not that formation ever really takes a hiatus. But some formal classes will be starting this week for the young ‘uns, and the more mature. (If you or your kids aren’t signed up yet, no worries. Just contact the parish office and we’ll get you going.)
BIBLE STUDY led by Fr. Philip and me is beginning again this next THURSDAY, 10/17 at 7 PM. We’ll be going through the books of Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. These epistles (letters) of St. Paul, informally called “the Prison Epistles”, are a little insight into theology, Christology and ecclesiology. So grab your Bible and join us. (Or if just show up. We’ve got a Bible waiting for you.)
In the last couple of months, we’ve restarted a parish Pastoral Council. A pastoral council is aptly named. They are to give council to the Pastor of a parish, working together to carry out the mission of the parish. Our Pastoral Council members are Christine Loewe, Chris Sumpter, Suzie Bohlson, Clarice and John Marcin, Matt Cox, Jim Ortale, and Daniel Bukaty. So if you have any thoughts or concerns, send me an email. And I’ll pass along your information to these folks to ponder, research and take up any idea.
Finally, I’m feeling encouraged by so much of what I observe here in our parish. Lately I’ve been hearing about a palpable thirst for Christian spiritual growth. I’ve also been blessed to pray with lots of people as hope in eternity is realized. I’ve been encouraged by seeing the knowledge and love of God passed down to younger generations thru both parish activities and the workings of our school. I could continue to wax on poetically because honestly, we have so much potential to influence people around us for the good. So as we finish up this calendar year’s Ordinary Time and we enter into the holy seasons of Advent and Christmas, let’s commit to fulfilling our potential. Fulfilling that potential is a long term goal. Fulfilling that long term goal also means that must live as humble and sincere Christians. So let’s not be distracted by worldly ambitions and our own needy egos. Let’s not focus on our own agendas, but put our energy into the singular mission of being Christians in a beautiful yet imperfect world. Let’s continue to mature in Christ, learning to live and think like Christian saints on a holy (holistic) mission.
God bless!
Fr. Reynold