Pastoral Message – November 17, 2024
Looking at the Scripture readings we will hear during Mass this weekend, I see that one big theme of those readings is the end of the world. Daniel speaks of it in our first reading, and Jesus speaks of it in the gospel. Hmm… are we thinking about the end of the world because we are close to the end of the Church’s liturgical year?
Well, I don’t know, because the gospel for the first Sunday of the new liturgical year (the first Sunday of Advent) focus on the same theme. Jesus will describe his return to earth at the end of time in much the same way that he describes it in our gospel this weekend.
So, what’s the deal with the end of the world? Is it a theme for the end of the liturgical year or the beginning of the liturgical year, or both?
As it turns out, the end of time, with the glorious return of Jesus, is an important theme for us at all times. How do I know this? Because it comes up in the prayers of every Mass. For example, after we all say the Lord’s Prayer, the priest follows up with a prayer mentioning that we “await the blessed hope and the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.” (By the way, those words are borrowed from St. Paul’s letter to Titus, chapter 2, verse 13.) The Third Eucharistic Prayer talks about how “we look forward to his [Jesus’] second coming.” The Memorial Acclamation, which we pray after the Consecration, often refers to the return of Jesus as well.
It’s interesting to notice that all of these references to the return of Christ at the end of the world envision this to be a glorious, wonderful event—something that we look forward to. This is quite different from the things people often think of as “apocalyptic.” I know the Book of Revelation contains many visions and words of warning, but these are punctuated by hymns of thanks and praise, ending with the call, “Come, Lord Jesus!”
So let’s welcome the coming of Jesus, and recognize him in his Word, in the sacraments, and in the persons around us (especially those in need). He is all around us, and our closeness to him now will ensure we are ready to meet him when he makes his final return to us.
Fr. Philip