
Pastoral Message

Pastoral Message

Hey Y’all,

This weekend we are celebrating the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord! Hallelujah!

This Feast is when we remember Jesus being presented by His Mother, Mary and Joseph, His earthly Father, in the Temple in Jerusalem and that His presentation fulfilled Mosaic law. We also remember that the Prophets (Simeon and Anna) were given voice as they recognized the child Jesus as the Christ. There is meaning enough here to contemplate, but I invite you to also consider more. This Feast used to be known as Candlemass, a time when candles were blessed, reminding us that Jesus is the Light of the world. We might also consider that this was called the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary – a reminder of our Blessed Mother’s fulfillment of God’s promise that she would bear the Messiah. We might also remember that in eastern rite Churches this was/is called the Feast of the Holy Encounter, inspired by the Holy Spirit. This Feast Day, no matter what one calls it, has traditionally marked the end of the Christmas/Epiphany seasons. This year, it is only a calendarial coincidence that it’s also “Groundhog Day”.

So, with all that in mind, this Feast Day, no matter the historical or contemporary title, let us be reminded of God’s revelation in His Holy Temple – that the Father has given us his Son, born of Mary, and cared for by Joseph to be the Savior of God’s people. Furthermore, Mary, full of grace – pure and ever inviolate, is revealed as a second Eve; pure among women even after that Garden of Eden tragedy. And we’re reminded that in the Christ child, and his act of sacrifice, the messianic prophecy of old was fulfilled, and that in Jesus, the Christ who would grow up to rise from death and ascend to heaven, a new age of covenant would exist from that moment on. And we who are Christians living today, are yet part of that holy covenant.

Wow, that’s a lot to reveal in one little Feast Day…but there you have it.

Now, what does this mean for us? Well, let’s distill all this complicated truth into something we can easily, yet profoundly accept. Simply this, God loves us. He set His Son apart to be God with us. Jesus Christ, set apart/consecrated, to be our Savior is celebrated today. We are set apart by believing in the prophecies of old, and setting our hearts on Jesus Christ’s teaching, and hoping in new and everlasting life by Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. We are then consecrated for the whole of our lives through Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! That’s what we’re celebrating today, not in the Temple in Jerusalem, but in the temple of our minds and hearts. So, be like Simeon and Anna! Give glory and praise to God y’all!

Fr. Reynold

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